

JOIN US: Become a PSDPC member

We are passionate about Doberman pinschers and encourage you to join our club or attend any of our events to learn more about this wonderful breed. Our dogs are our family members and many club members participate in sporting events, so many of our dogs include breed champions, agility trial champions and obedience, rally and schutzhund title holders at all levels.

Puget Sound Doberman Pinscher Club (PSDPC) is open to all persons 18 years of age and older, who are in good standing with The American Kennel Club, and who subscribe to the purpose and mission of PSDPC.

Before applying for membership, individuals should plan to attend as many meetings as possible to get to know the club in general and its members. Meetings are held in the evenings every other month on the second Monday of the month. Email our Club Secretary to let her know you’ll be coming and confirm the location or with any questions on membership.

We have three levels of membership

Regular (active) member

Open to all persons over 18 years of age. Only regular members may vote on Club business and all Club officers must be regular members. Meeting quorums (which is the requirement at all meetings for votes on Club business) are affected by the regular membership: the number needed to attain a quorum is proportional to the number of regular members. Regular (active) membership for individuals is $25 per year. Household Regular membership is $40 per year.

Dues must be paid annually to be a Club member.


Open to all persons over 18 years of age. Associate members have all the opportunities and information provided to regular members. However they may not vote or be a Club officer. Because they are ineligible to vote, Associate Members do not count as part of the quorum. Associate members can be on a committee or be chair of a committee. They are always welcome at meetings and can switch to regular status at any time. The advantage of an Associate membership is getting all the club perks without impacting the ability of the club to conduct business. Associate membership for individuals is $25 per year. Household Associate membership is $40 per year.

Dues must be paid annually to be a Club member.

Junior Member

Junior membership is available to the children of PSDPC members, under age 18. Junior members are non-voting and cannot hold office or chair a committee. All other membership privileges apply. Junior membership is $1 per year

Sponsorship of two PSDPC members is required with the submission of the membership application. Once an application is submitted to the club, a reading of the application is done at the next general membership meeting and the applicant is encouraged to attend. A second reading is done at the following general membership meeting and following any discussion, a vote is made on membership.

More information about membership may be obtained when attending a meeting and/or a comprehensive reading of the PSDPC Bylaws available for download on the What We Do page.

Come join us!


New Member Application

This interactive form may be filled out using Adobe Acrobat or printed. Please complete and return to the Club Secretary. You may pay the deposit using the PayPal option below or include a check when mailing.

Membership Dues

You can use the PayPal buttons below to pay your annual membership dues or to submit your membership application deposit.

Have fun with Dobermans and earn PSDPC Health Day credit!

Our events need lots of volunteers! Join us to make them even better. Active club members earn Health Day stipends when you help to run PSDPC events – it’s easy and we’ll show you how. Plus you’ll spend the day having fun with dogs and your fellow club members! It’s a win-win.

Can’t be there in person? Have other skills? Contact any of our committee chairs and learn how you can contribute. Trophy Donations earn stipend credit as well!

Please see the Health Day page for stipend credit requirement details or contact us to learn more.

Club Reimbursement Form

PSDPC Members

Download and remit to the Club Treasurer for expenses on behalf of approved Club activity.

Contact us

Have questions? Want to learn more? Ask our Information Officer through the form below or follow us on Facebook.

Please note: We can not provide advice on any medical conditions (including cropping), training, behavior issues or nutrition. Contact your veterinarian directly. In addition, PSDPC does not recommend, guarantee, endorse, nor rate any breeders, their kennels, or dogs.

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