Holter Monitor / DCM


PSDPC Holter Monitor Rental

About dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)

Dilated cardiomyopathy in Doberman pinschers is an irreversible heart muscle disorder that affects Dobermans more than any other breed. DCM can cause ventricular arrhythmia (erratic heartbeats) and sudden death. Normal heartbeats are interrupted by rapid beats that fire too closely together, subsequently shorting out the heart. About one-third of these dogs have no prior signs of the disease. 

About 60% of the breed is afflicted with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), with 13% affected by the time they are 6 years old and more than 40% by the age of 8. The disorder has an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, but the causative genes are unknown. DCM is fatal. (Institute of Canine Biology)

Dobermans with DCM can also develop congestive heart failure when the heart dilates to compensate for the weakened heart muscle. This causes the heart to hold a greater volume of blood, causing fluid to back up in the dog’s heart, lungs and abdomen. Clinical signs of pulmonary edema include weakness, excessive lethargy, coughing, rapid breathing and lethargy. By the time these characteristic clinical signs appear the disease may be advanced and the prognosis grim.

DCM affects male and female Dobermans equally. Individual dogs vary in the age of onset, rate of disease progression and frequency of sudden death versus congestive heart failure. Environment and lifestyle factors could play a role as well. Affected dogs can benefit from drug therapy, however this is most often palliative care and does not cure or alter the long-term effects or outcome of the disease.

About Holter monitoring

Holter monitoring is a noninvasive method of assessing the heart’s rhythm and rate. It is easy, painless, and inexpensive. A 24-hour electrocardiogram records information about the heart’s electrical activity over an entire day. Along with echocardiograms (offered to members at our annual Health Day clinics), Holter monitoring helps identify dogs that might later experience sudden death or identify structural disease.

Early detection of the disease is critical. Regular monitoring of your dog can potentially add years of life.

Club rental

The PSDPC has a Holter monitor available for rent. Contact Kim Owen for details on renting the Holter. Please note: you must download and sign the Rental Policies before getting the Holter. We will generally respond via email within 48 hours, if not, please try again - sometimes emails make into the spam folder. Please include the dates that you would like to use the Holter. 

NOTE: The Holter monitor rental takes approximately one week per dog. Please plan accordingly. 

Holter Monitor Rental Policies

1. The cost to rent a Holter Monitor from the PSDPC is $25 per week for MEMBERS & $35 per week for NON-MEMBERS. A PayPal option is below. If longer than a week is needed to test additional dogs, please inform the person coordinating the rental of a PSDPC monitor.

2. Rental of a PSDPC Holter Monitor (with or without a full kit) includes the Monitor and 2 Holter Monitor hook up kit packets that are included in the kit.

3. Each additional packet is an additional cost or, you can order the packets yourself from ALBAMEDICAL.com (Prior to your rental is recommended).

4. Loss, theft, breakage or damage to the Holter Monitor unit, wires, vest, or the vest belt, Holter pouch and card reader etc. will need to be reimbursed. Reimbursement will be by purchasing new replacement equipment via Alba Medical or through monies paid to the club to replace the damaged equipment.

5. After the 7 day rental period, late returns will be charged at $25 per week. Proof of return will be by postal receipt.

6. The PSDPC reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who has misused the privilege of renting the club Holter Monitor or those we are concerned will misuse the privilege. We value our Monitors and will not allow them to be misused.

Holter Rental

NOTE: You must arrange schedule and pickup with the Club representative before payment. Click "Schedule Rental" button to do so. Payment alone is not guarantee of rental.

Rentals are $25 for Club members and $35 for non-members.



Contact us

Have questions? Want to learn more? Ask our Information Officer through the form below or follow us on Facebook.

Please note: We can not provide advice on any medical conditions (including cropping), training, behavior issues or nutrition. Contact your veterinarian directly. In addition, PSDPC does not recommend, guarantee, endorse, nor rate any breeders, their kennels, or dogs.

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