PSDPC Health Day


Health Day

The lifelong health of our Dobermans and promoting health of the breed is in our club charter: "To encourage and promote the breeding of pure-bred Doberman Pinschers and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection" We are also a Chapter Club of the DPCA and along with them, actively promote: "… further understanding of the disease, defects, injuries and other ailments that afflict dogs in general and the Doberman Pinscher in particular. "

A yearly Holter and echocardiogram is recommended for all Dobermans over 2 or 3 years of age. The PSDPC Health Day offers the OFA cardiac screening echocardiograms, as well as vaccines, microchipping, health certificates and lab/blood work options. The Total Health Profile bloodwork includes the ProBnP test, an important cardiac marker.

Our Health Days are generally held in December and February of each year. The clinics fill quickly and are open to all dogs, with priority given to active Club members, followed by non-club member Dobermans then all other breeds. Please contact the Club for details and carefully review the exam limits, liability and stipend requirements below.

Holter Monitor rental

Our club also offers Holter monitor rentals to all members. It's recommended that all Dobermans over the age of two have annual Holter testing. If you have not had a recent Holter, it's a good idea to test before getting the echocardiogram on Health Day. NOTE: the Club Holter takes approximately one week per person, please plan accordingly. Click here to learn more.

doberman puppy

Echocardiograms are filled for the February 15 clinic. Lab work and vaccine appointments are available.

February 15, 2025: ZenDog Spa, Granite Falls

Paperwork will be prepared in advance. Dogs not on the schedule will not be included in the clinic — no exceptions. The clinic fills quickly: priority to active Club members.

Dr. Woodfield's assistant will be handling the dogs in the room during the exam and will have all paperwork prepared in advance. Note: this echocardiogram is a breeder exam, and is not a full cardiac exam. Please schedule with your veterinary cardiologist if you need a full exam.

It's a good idea to Holter your dog before getting the echocardiogram. Please schedule well in advance of the clinic. Go here to schedule your Holter monitor rental.

Subsidies are available for active Club members who have volunteer credit, more information below. Our Membership page has information on becoming an active member of the PSDPC. 

Health Day Subsidies for Active PSDPC Members: 

Beginning 2023, the PSDPC Board of Directors voted to provide a merit-based health day stipend for active Club members in good standing. Subsidies are based on volunteerism or donations to the club for each year. Subsidies are $100 for the echocardiogram and $50 for the Total Health Plus Profile lab work and are not applicable for any other Health Day services.

Each earned credit equals one subsidy amount per dog at Health Day. Qualifications for earned credit starts January 1 and ends December 31 of each year, as determined by the Board of Directors and maintained by the Treasurer. The subsidies are non-transferable and must be used in the year earned.

You must be an active PSDPC member in good standing to receive credit. A member can earn multiple credits per year however the dog must live with you. You may not use a stipend credit for dogs you co-own but who do not live with you.There is no requirement for length of time as a member nor does membership alone guarantee a stipend.

Volunteer subsidies: Club events require volunteer helpers and those people will earn a subsidy credit for the event. You must provide a significant contribution to the support of the event, such as a full day of work at the event or serving on the planning committee. Each event committee chair will give the Treasurer a list of volunteers who provided qualifying service for each event. Special circumstances will be given consideration by the board on a case-by-case basis. The Health Care coordinators do not determine the credits earned.

Examples of qualified volunteer positions are:

  • Committee Chair(s) for…
      • Specialty Show / Extravaganza
      • Agility Trial 
      • Scent Trial 
      • WAE Event 
      • Sniff 'n' Go 
      • Health Day
  • Volunteer workers at any of the PSDPC Events. Each Event Chair will provide the Treasurer with a list of volunteers to determine the credit available.
  • Newsletter and/or Website
  • Board Committees: President, Secretary, Treasurer

Trophy or other financial donations also qualify for the stipend. For every $100 donated to the Club, you will receive one stipend.

Questions regarding credits you have or how credits are earned should be directed to the Club Treasurer. You will not receive a stipend at the Health Day without approved credit from the Board. 

Exam limits:

The PSDPC Health Day is intended only as a breed screening exam and does not include diagnostics or follow-up support. Veterinarians in attendance as well as the veterinary technician will only present you with the results of your screening and/or lab results. Time constraints will not allow them to give a medical opinion or treatment options. Any follow-up or additional diagnostics must be with your regular veterinarian or by a separate appointment scheduled with a cardiologist or other specialist.


The PSDPC and its representatives reserve the right to refuse service to any individual who fails to abide by the rules of the event or disrespects, misuses or abuses the event volunteers or the event property. Any dog exhibiting any type of aggressive or overly fearful behavior will be immediately removed. In either case no refunds will be issued.

Contact us

Have questions? Want to learn more? Ask our Information Officer through the form below or follow us on Facebook.

Please note: We can not provide advice on any medical conditions (including cropping), training, behavior issues or nutrition. Contact your veterinarian directly. In addition, PSDPC does not recommend, guarantee, endorse, nor rate any breeders, their kennels, or dogs.

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